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Mahashanti Mantra

ॐ पृ॒थि॒वी शा॒न्ता साग्निना॑ शा॒न्ता सामे॑ शा॒न्ता शुचग्ं॑ शमयतु |
अ॒न्तरिक्॑षग्ं शा॒न्तं तद्वा॒युना॑ शा॒न्तं तन्मे॑ शा॒न्तग्ं शुचग्ं॑ शमयतु |
द्यौश्शा॒न्ता सादि॒त्येन॑ शा॒न्ता सा मे॑ शा॒न्ता शुचग्ं॑ शमयतु |

पृ॒थि॒वी शान्ति॑र् अ॒न्तरिक्॑षग्ं शान्तिः॒ द्यौश्शान्तिः॒ दिश॒श्शान्ति॑र् अवान्तरदि॒शाश्शान्ति॑र्
अ॒ग्निश्शान्तिः॑ वा॒युश्शान्ति॑र् आदि॒त्यश्शान्ति॑श् च॒न्द्रमा॒श्शान्तिः॒ नक्ष॑त्राणि॒शान्ति॒र् आप॒श्शान्ति॒र्
ओष॑धय॒श्शान्तिः॒ वन॒स्पत॑य॒श्शान्तिः॒ गौश्शान्ति॑र् अ॒जाशान्ति॒र् अश्व॒श्शान्तिः॒
पुरु॑ष॒श्शान्तिः॒ ब्रह्म॒शान्तिः॑ ब्राह्म॒णश्शान्तिः॒ शान्ति॑रे॒वशान्तिः॒ शान्ति॑र्मे अस्तु॒ शान्तिः॑ |

तया॒हग्ं शा॒न्त्या स॑र्वशा॒न्त्या मह्यं॑ द्वि॒पदे॒ चतु॑ष्पदे च॒ शान्तिं॑ करोमि शान्ति॑र्मे अस्तु॒शान्तिः॑ ||

ॐ शान्तिः॒ शान्तिः॒ शान्तिः॑ ||
mahāśāntiḥ mantra sanskrit recitation

|| mahāśāntiḥ mantra ||

oṁ pṛ̱thīvī śā̱ṇtā sāgninā̍ śā̱ṇtā sāme̍ śā̱ṇtā śucagṃ̍ śamayatu |
āntarik̍ṣagṁ śā̱ntaṁ tadvā̱yunā̍ śā̱ntaṁ tanme̍ śā̱ntagṁ śucagṃ̍ śamayatu |
dyauśśā̱ntā sādītyena̍ śā̱ntā sā me̍ śā̱ntā śucagṃ̍ śamayatu |

pṛ̱thīvī śānti̍r āntari̍kṣāgṃ̱ śāntīḥ dyauśśāntīḥ diśāśśānti̍r avāntaradīśāśśānti̍r
āgniśśānti̍ḥ vā̱yuśśānti̍r ādītyaśśānti̍ś cāndramā̱śśāntīḥ nakṣa̍trāṇīśāntīr āpāśśāntīr
oṣa̍dhayāśśāntīḥ vanāspata̍yāśśāntīḥ gauśśānti̍r ājāśāntīr aśvāśśāntīḥ
puru̍ṣāśśāntīḥ brahmāśānti̍ḥ brāhmāṇaśśāntīḥ śānti̍re̱vaśāntīḥ śānti̍rme astu̱ śānti̍ḥ |

tayā̱hagṁ śā̱ntyā sa̍rvaśā̱ntyā mahya̍ṁ dvīpade̱
   catu̍ṣpade cā śānti̍ṁ karomi śānti̍rme astu̱śānti̍ḥ ||

oṁ śāntīḥ śāntīḥ śānti̍ḥ ||

|| Great Shantih Mantra ||  [1]

Peace on Earth. May Agni and the Earth-Goddess, remove my suffering.
Peace in the mid-region. May Vayu, God of the mid-region, remove my suffering.
Peace in Heaven. May Aditya, the God of Heaven, remove my suffering |

May there be peace on earth, peace in the ether, peace in the heavens,
peace in all directions, peace in fire, peace in the air, peace in the sun,
peace in the moon, peace in the constellations, peace in the waters,
peace in the plants and herbs, peace in trees, peace towards cattle,
peace towards goats, peace towards horses, peace towards mankind,
peace in the absolute Brahman, peace in those who have attained
Brahman; may there be peace, only peace. May that peace be in me, peace alone |

Through that peace, may I confirm peace in myself,
   and all bipeds and quadrupeds. May there be peace in me, peace alone ||

[1] These mantras are from Taittiriya Aranyaka, 4th Prasna
The english translation is from the liner notes of
Ravi Shankar & George Harrison's 'Chants of India album.